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We're excited to announce that Pride South Side has partnered with organizations in key battleground states to ensure that our community proudly stands up for our #RightToPride on Election Day, November 5, 2024.


Your voice matters! Click the link below to check your local voter registration rules and make sure you're ready to vote. If you're unable to register, don’t worry—every conversation counts! Talk to your friends, family, and community about the power of voting and the importance of making your voice heard.


Together, we can make a difference this election season!

Do You Think We're Ready for a Woman President?

w/ Jacen Bowman,
Vice President for Philly Black Pride 

What Does a Black Economic Agenda Mean for Us?

w/ Jacen Bowman,
Vice President for Philly Black Pride 

What Is Your Message To Undecided LGBTQ Voters?

w/ Jacen Bowman,
Vice President for Philly Black Pride 

How Should We Navigate Intersectionality?

w/ Chris Walton,
Former Chair of the Democratic Party in Milwaukee

How Does LGBTQ+ Political Power and Representation Influence Voting?

w/ Chris Walton,
Former Chair of the Democratic Party in Milwaukee

Together, we can make a difference this election season!

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